Sunday, August 30, 2009,
One of the MOST unforgettable night of MY LIFE! ~ 29.aug.09 I met the WONDERGIRLS! Wondergirls are guest in Jonas Brothers concert here in Bell Center, Monteal! :D So yeah.. after the Honor Society's performance, me and my friend started to scream "WONDERGIRLS!! So, @ around 8:00, Jonas Brothers started to introduce wondergirls!! & omg! when I saw them walking in the stage... I started screaming!!! They first performed "TELL ME". I don't have any idea about the lyrics.. & I don't even know if it's english or korean! JYP (their manager) didn't tell us about that!! So I was very surprised!! Tell me, tell me, te-te-te-tell me! :D Then after, they performed "NOBODY"! So first,they were teaching us about the dance move & tada! I stood up & dance like crazy and singing too!! && screaming!! haha the girls besides me were like "omg! I think I'm deaf now" roflmao!! Oh well.. It's wondergirls!! haller?!?!? :)) Then after their performance, me & my friend went straight to section 119 for the meet&greet thing. we asked all the staffs and manager of Bell Center about that thing and some were like "wondergirls? don't know them." "can i see ur ticket.. which section u are?" "u need wristband for that" "we don't know" "go to section 118 and go down and bla bla bla"! hahaha So I was sooo lucky to talked to the guy who worked for Jonas Brothers and I asked him about the meet&greet thing and he said that we just need to wait in section 119. and omg! I don't know if he's relative of JB or something cause he keeps on smiling @ me and his face was like "u sure u don't know me?" ggrr! & I just realized now.. why the heck didn't I ask him if I can see JB in their dressing room after the concert?!?! We became friends on that night & he has a JB's ID!! aaiissh! I'm so stupid!! anywhoo.. "NICE TO MEET YOU *****! Hope to see u again!! tomorrow? hahaha
So when we saw HANA (wg's road manager), she gave me a red wristband cause I'm a fan*tastic! By the way, fan*tastic are ppl who help wondergirls promote their new album by passing out some fliers! But Hana told us that we don't need to do our job! So I stayed in the meet&greet section! :D ![]() yubin... ![]() ![]() ![]() & since I'm infront/besides them, I took LOTS of pictures!! *felt like I'm a stalker/paparazzi* Sunmi ~ the 4D Princess (omg! she was daydreaming the WHOLE time!!) ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sunmi saw me taking pictures!! *blush* ![]() ![]() Sohee just finished yawning that time.. that's why her face is like that! & after I took that pic, she looked at me and her face was like "oh no! she took a pic of me!" aigooo!! so cutie!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Sunmi.. don't look at me like that!! I'm melting!!! *faint* ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() -When I hugged all of them!!! I felt like I was in heaven!! and when I hugged Sunmi, she tapped my head and said "mo-mo-mo" so I was like "aww! u're so 4D!" and she just smiled @ me! :)) -When I shaked sunye's hand!!! *blush* -When the girls were in the meet&greet, they kept on looking @ me! aww! && smiling too! *blush* -When I asked something to Sunye and she replied me back!!!! -When they were like dancing in front of me!!!!! :O -When we gave our gifts to sunye.. omfg! she was so touched & amazed & shocked & happy! aish!! her face was soooo pricelesss!! -When I met JYP!!!! & Hana!! ;) -When I saw them perform "tell me" live for the first time!! :D -When I danced and yelled when they were performing "nobody"! hahaha! -When I took pictures w/ them!!! ![]() && Sunye, I'm always here supporting you! Can I be your maid? for ever? I'm begging you!!!! pls?!?!?!? :D Wondergirls, I hope you'll come back here in Montreal! Cause Montreal-ers love you girls soooo much! Keep up the good work!! Aja Aja Fighting!! ♥♥♥
10:45 AM
Monday, August 24, 2009,
Why Women love Men Because men will never understand us, yet even so they go on trying. Because men still manage to see our beauty, even when we ourselves no longer believe it. Because men understand equations, politics, maths and economics, but not the feminine heart. Because men are lovers who only rest when we have had (or pretend to have had) pleasure. Because men manage to raise sport to something bordering on religion. Because men are never afraid of the dark. Because men insist on fixing things that are beyond their capacity, and dedicate themselves to this with the same enthusiasm as an adolescent, and get frustrated when they don’t succeed. Because men are like pomegranates: most of them is impossible to digest, but the seeds are delicious. Because men never comment on what the neighbors might think. Because we always know what men are thinking, and when men open their mouth they say exactly what we imagined they would. Because men never dreamed of torturing themselves wearing high heels. Because men love to explore our body and conquer our soul. Because a 14-year-old girl can leave them speechless, and a 25-year-old woman can tame them quite effortlessly. Because men are always attracted by extremes: the opulent or the ascetic, warriors or monks, artists or generals. Because men do absolutely everything possible to try to hide their weaknesses. Because a man’s biggest fear is not being a man (it never crosses a woman’s mind not to be a woman). Because men always eat everything on their plate, and don’t feel guilty about it. Because men take great delight in completely uninteresting matters, such as what happened at work, or different makes of automobiles. Because men have shoulders where we can rest our heads and sleep without much effort. Because men are at peace with their bodies, except for small, insignificant things like growing bald and getting fat. Because men are incredibly courageous in front of insects. Because men never lie about their age. Because despite everything they try to demonstrate, they can’t live without a woman. Because when we tell one of them “I love you”, they always ask us to explain exactly how. ♥♥♥ click the link below for more! (: http://www.warriorofthelight.com/engl/edi176_porque.shtml
8:31 PM
Sunday, August 16, 2009,
Girl: Slow down, Im scared.
Guy: No, this is fun. Girl: No its not. Please its too scary! Guy: Then tell me you love me. Girl: Fine I love you. Slow down! Guy: Now give me a BIG hug. Girl : *hugs him* Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? Its bugging me. Girl: Alright, now slow down Guy: I love you babe (in the paper the next day): A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on it, but only 1 had survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didnt want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time, then he had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.
6:19 PM
Wednesday, August 5, 2009,
Oh gosh! what a day!! T_T I've been fcukng mad, stressed, depressed and sad these past few days!!! T_T There's a very big misunderstanding in Angel Locsin's forum right now! For those who doesn't know who's Angel.. Here's some info about her.. She's one of the hottest and popular celebrity in Philippines! She's good in acting and modeling! :) She's my idol! *blush* I met her last june 2008 at her taping! She was so accommodating to us! She's so nice! I had the chance to hug her lots of times! She told me 'Thank you' a million times! lol! aww! I adore her so much! :D I'll meet her again this december!! Yoouupiiee! =D So, back to the topic.. Yeah.. I was..I mean still mad @ those ppl who's judging others! :( I'm uber sad because some of angel's fans are very hurt.. her cousin, her sister, her close friends, me and ofcourse HER! They're mad @ us because we didn't grant their wish! T_T Its really hard to talk to close-minded people! :( I don't know why they can't understand us! :( I know it's also our fault.. but even though we didn't grant their wish, we still did something good to them! I know it's funny for you! but they are my real friends! even though their older than me, they make me feel that i'm one of their family! :D They call me 'bunso' (meaning youngest child). See? They love me so much! And so I adore them so much! :D oh gosh! my head is aching!! T_T I better get some rest! T_T
7:10 PM