Random stuffs about me
The name is Joyce. I'm a full time daughter, student & a friend.
So if ever you need one, just call my name out loud and i'll be there as soon as possible! (:
write me a comment! ----> Joyce
Host: Blogger
Software: Adobe Illustrator CS 2, Macromedia Flash Pro 8
Resource: 1
Layout © Xavqior
Tuesday, June 30, 2009,
Omg! I just realized that he made me laugh for the whole day! (: Ok. So the guy that I'm talking about is my friend! We went to downtown to buy his Itouch! T_T then we watch movie intentionally! haha! So I bought the tickets (for only 10 bucks for both of us) then he paid for our foods! (for 20 bucks) haha! unfair, iight? haha! Oh well, he's a guy and he's working! Oh! and the guy who's working in that restaurant thought that we're in a relationship! haha! So we were like "Nah! we're just friends". Then the guy was like "I don't believe in friendship, especially a girl & a guy friendship!" Then when we were in the cashier, he told us "Enjoy your relationship!" hahaha! Omg! sooo funny! >_< Anyway, we watched "star trek". Well, the story is fine! but it's kinda boring too! Those guys are always talking about scientific stuffs cause the time is in the future! There's also some aliens and a girl with green skin! haha! Isn't cool to have green skin like her? haha! I just love the suspense part of the movie! I love those gadgets! I hope to have one too! T_T So yeah.. i'm too tired right now.. we walked for almost 5 hours!(nonstop) and I wore high heels slippers! T_T But I really had fun today! (: He's just toooooooooo funny! haha! So I'm out! Peace! (:
7:34 PM
Monday, June 29, 2009,
yeheeeey! I pass my whole 4th year!! gosh! I really thought that I will fail my french and science! To tell you the truth 4th yr is the hardest yr in highschool!! You need to pass all your exams! Cause all the CEGEP(colleges) here will look @ those notes! I was really..really.. worried about my french subject! It was hard!! T_T Well..cause I really don't speak french 24/7! It's really hard to talk in French, English & Tagalog everyday! And take note.. I learned how to speak/read French only for a year! see? It means that I still don't know all the words in their vocabulary! T_T But I can speak French fluently! (: Alors, si vous savez comment parler en français, n'hesitez pas de me parler! J'aimerais avoir des amies qui parlent français! ;) Anywhoo..it's already 11:44 pm here in Montreal,Canada! I'm really bored right now! -_-' So yeah, i'll go to downtown tomorrow with my friends! My friend will buy the new Ipod touch! Booo! -_-' I want one too!! but sad to say... i'm broke! T_T
8:31 PM
Sunday, June 28, 2009,
Hey! (: So this is my first-ever fashion blog! I wore this outfit when I went to a movie date with my 2 guy friends,24 june. We watched Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen! Oh my gosh! I love it! It's better than the first one! You really must watch it! <3  That blue skirt is a tube dress! (: I was inspired by chictopia.com! So I decided to wear it as a skirt! Black top-suzy big black belt blue tube dress & gladiator! Geez! I love gladiator! ♥ Fashion Advice: you must buy a simple black top(w/ sleeve or sleeveless!) 'cause you can match it w/ everything! :D
2:08 PM
Saturday, June 27, 2009,
yeaa baaby! Music is my life! I listen to music everyday. I hate silence! >_< I have an Ipod and it's only 1gb! I know, it's tooo old. but..but..but.. I have it for 3 yrs! He's still alive! yeah I know. He's breathing for me! I love him so much 'cause I know that he'll never-ever leave me! Oh noo! I think I'm inlove w/ him!! haha! drama mode? haha! --- Name: Joyce. Age: Teenager. Country: Canada.Parler français? --- Likes:
Art.Painting.Purple.Pink.SkyBlue.Chatting.Internet.Ym.Msn.AngelLocsin'sWebsite.Soompi.Popsicles.Chictopia.Fb.Fs. OnlineFriends.Angels.JJLovers.Angel Locsin.AsianDramas.BoysOverFlower.Only You(Philippine'sVersion).IPOD.SlowSongs.Spring.Nature.TheNotebook.Carbonara.Poutine.Mcdo'sFries.Sushi.Taco's.BBQ. ChineseFood.FilipinoFood.KoreanFood.ItalianFood.FererroRocher.VanillaIceCream.Omg-I'm-Hungry-haha. Badminton.Heart.GoodGrades.Math.Algebra.LunchTimeBreak.Saturday.Morning.Shopping.Fashion. Cinemas.Popcorns.Parties.WhiteWine.TeddyBears.Stars.Flowers.Romantic.Nice.Generous.Crazy-like-me. &&&FAMILY.GOD.FRIENDS.RELATIVES. Oooops! It's already 2:10 am!? Geez! Gotta gow! <3
10:25 PM
hey hey hey! (: So yeah.. welcome back to me here in blogger! haha. I created my account here last year, I guess. I registered here just for fun! and omg! I never knew that you can also change your background here! So do u love my new layout? Yes or Yeah or Uh-huh? haha. It took me an hour to decide which layout should I put! There's tooooo much cool layouts, that's why! >_< Oh well.. I didn't do that! So if you'll ask me about my layout.. my answer will be "I don't know!Ask yourself!" lmao! So yeah, I just found some codes and I copied it here and bla bla bla.. So yeah.. it's already 1:10 am, 28 June '09. Chatting with my "mommie of angels" Oh god! I really missed her! ): and playing restaurant city on facebook! I'm havin' fun ight now. so maybe i'm goin' to sleep around 2 am! hoho! good girl, ight? lmao! --- anywhoo.. read my next post to know more about moi! yeya! (:
9:49 PM